Project Brief Tertiary treatment is designed based on physical and chemical method, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis system. Two modules are considered for this plant with average flowrate 10000 m3/d. Type of agreement for this project is EPC. Made by Other project images [...]

Physical and Biological Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) wastewater treatment plant
eetwater2019-05-24T12:12:58+00:00Project Brief Wastewater treatment plant is designed based on anoxic and MBBR method with phosphorous, nitrogen and BOD removal. One module is considered for this plant with average flowrate 200 m3/d. Type of agreement for this project is EPC. Made by Other project images [...]
Reuse of treated industrial wastewater
eetwater2019-05-24T12:13:11+00:00Project Brief Tertiary treatment is designed based on physical and chemical method and also reverse osmosis system. Two modules are considered for this plant with average flowrate 18000 m3/d. Type of agreement for this project is EPC. Made by Other project images [...]
Reuse of treated municipal wastewater
eetwater2019-05-24T12:13:25+00:00Project Brief Tertiary treatment is designed based on physical and chemical method. Two modules are considered for this plant with average flowrate 6048 m3/d. Type of agreement for this project is EPC. Made by Other project images [...]

Physical and Biological aerated lagoon municipal wastewater treatment plant
eetwater2019-05-24T12:13:39+00:00Project Brief Wastewater plant is designed based on biological aerated lagoon method unit with the removal of BOD. Two modules in two steps are considered for this plant with average flowrate 21000 m3/d. Type of agreement for this project is EPC. Made by Other project images [...]

Physical and Biological activated sludge municipal wastewater treatment plant
eetwater2019-05-24T12:13:55+00:00Project Brief Wastewater plant is designed based on MLE method including Anoxic and Aerobic unit with the removal of BOD and Nitrogen. Two modules are considered for this plant with average flowrate 6000 m3/d. Type of agreement for this project is EPC. Made by Other project [...]

Anaerobic and aerobic biological wastewater treatment plant
eetwater2019-05-24T12:14:08+00:00Project Brief Wastewater plant is designed based on anaerobic (Upflow Anaerobic Baffled Reactor) and aerobic (Sequencing Batch Reactor) biological methods. Two modules are considered for this plant with average flowrate 6500 m3/d. Type of agreement for this project is EPC. Made by Other project images [...]

Physical and Biological activated sludge municipal wastewater treatment plant
eetwater2019-05-24T12:14:21+00:00Project Brief Wastewater plant is designed based on extended aeration including Anoxic and Aerobic unit with the removal of BOD and Nitrogen. Two modules are considered for this plant with average flowrate 7020 m3/d. Type of agreement for this project is EPC. Made by Other project [...]

Physical and Biological wastewater treatment plant
eetwater2019-05-09T14:38:36+00:00Project Brief After conducting a feasibility study to assess the advantages and disadvantages of different process methods, Advanced Sequencing Batch Reactor method with capability of BOD and Nitrogen removal has been chosen. Four modules are considered for this plant with average flowrate 30,000 m3/d. Type of agreement for this project is BOT (Build-operation-transfer). [...]