Project Description
Project Brief
After conducting a feasibility study to assess the advantages and disadvantages of different process methods, Advanced Sequencing Batch Reactor method with capability of BOD and Nitrogen removal has been chosen. Four modules are considered for this plant with average flowrate 30,000 m3/d.
Type of agreement for this project is BOT (Build-operation-transfer).
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Skills Needed
- Environmental engineering,
- Chemical engineering,
- Mechanical engineering,
- Civil engineering,
- Instrumentation and Control engineering.

Initial Concept Planning
After conducting a feasibility study to assess the advantages and disadvantages of different process methods, Advanced Sequencing Batch Reactor method with capability of BOD and Nitrogen removal has been chosen. Type of agreement for this project is BOT (Build-operation-transfer).
Drafts & Revisions
This review has discussed pretreatment system, Advanced Sequencing Batch Reactor, disinfection system, Sludge processing unit in order to use municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent and to reduce the pollution load. Treated wastewater characteristics have been controlled strictly and meet the standard of discharging to River.
Other information
Raw wastewater is entered the treatment plant at inlet structure by two corrugate PE pipes DN1000 and DN600. This structure is equipped with Inlet structure sluice gate and bypass sluice gate for transferring of wastewater to W.W treatment plant or bypass line.
Full technical specifications
Click here to download the PDF file.

Excellent Results
This project fully met our customer’s expectations.